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About Sea & Earth Underline
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Pssst. Our app isn’t quite ready yet. But come back to us for regular updates!

A note from our owner...

In Belper, Derbyshire, my brother Chris and I were passionate about fish and chips. Growing up in a family that owned fish and chip shops, we created George's Tradition. But as the culinary landscape changed, we wanted to align with sustainability and cater to the demand for vegan alternatives. Thus, Sea and Earth was born in Nottingham, offering separate spaces and utensils for vegan and non-vegan ingredients. Our menu showcased a wide variety of vegan alternatives, sourced locally for sustainability. Word spread quickly, earning us a loyal customer base and several awards to boot. In only two years .! Now, we're excited to open in Loughborough, continuing our journey of mindful, delicious dining. Join us at Sea and Earth, where the sea meets the earth in every bite.

Thank You

Grey Line
Heart Recycle FSC

As part of our Sea & Earth promise, we use FSC Certified paper in our packaging and recycle all our waste where possible.

Vegan Friendly

Huge range of Vegan options, cooked independently

Fish & Chips

Our families favourite dish

Award Winning Food

Voted top 20 Fish & Chips in the UK

Sea & Earth
promise Green underline


Our commitment to sustainability didn't stop at the menu. We source our ingredients locally, supporting nearby farmers and reducing our carbon footprint. We also implemented eco-friendly packaging made from recycled materials, ensuring that every aspect of our business reflected our dedication to the environment. We will continue to be committed to being ethically minded in every aspect of our business.

Recycled Packaging

All condiments available on site will be in recycled containers. Our packaging is fully recyclable.


Committed to using fish from sustainable sources where we have ourselves researched/ identified boats that are operating under ethical guidelines. We endeavour to use local produce where possible.

Food & Drink

Sea & Earth is committed to providing high quality non processed food with no nasty stuff added. We ensure all our vegan food is prepared and cooked in separate fryers.